The Personal God of Israel

By Miriam Nadler
One of the highlights for me during our ministry trips to Israel is to connect with friends who are a vital part of the fabric of the believing communities there. During our recent trip to Israel in February, I had the privilege of spending a day with several women in order to encourage them in the Lord through time both in the Word and in prayer together. It was a special time as we spoke of God’s faithfulness over these many years. During our visit, it was evident that now more than ever, in times of trial that seem almost insurmountable, believing Israelis need to trust the Lord knowing that with God all things are possible!
I also love it when, during our trips, opportunities to share the Good News seem to pop up in unexpected places. This trip we stayed in a centrally-located hotel where we had also been a year before. To my surprise, one of the hotel workers there recognized me and asked me why we had returned to Israel. I explained to Gila* in my imperfect Hebrew with some English thrown in that we were there to teach at various conferences for Messianic believers in the Land. I went on to explain that these believers are Jewish people who have accepted Yeshua as the Messiah of Israel and Savior of the world. She was interested by this and we went on to speak of the fact of the need for peace, not just between Israeli and Palestinian, but in our individual hearts.
It turned out that Gila was very curious about what we believed, and I was able to share more with her. In God’s providence I happened to have picked up a Hebrew Good News pamphlet at the Messianic youth leader’s conference the day before. I gave it to Gila to read and asked her if she would be open to visiting a Messianic congregation in the town where she lived. She immediately gave me a positive response: “Yes, I am interested in knowing more.” That very evening, Sam and I met with a couple who are helping to plant a Hebrew-speaking congregation near to where Gila lives in the city of Netanya. Before we checked out of the hotel, I was able to give Gila the couple’s personal invitation for her to visit or call them.
I believe that there are no chance meetings with God and depend on His promise that His Word will never return empty but will accomplish that which He purposes! Will you join me in praying for Gila and the many Israelis like her who are hungering for a relationship with the living God?
To read more about the blessings we experienced in Israel and the open doors we had to train Messianic leaders throughout the Land, see Word of Messiah in Israel 2016.
*name is changed to protect privacy
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