Do you have questions about Messiah? We are here to help! Click on any of the questions below for answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Jewish Messiah. If you still have questions, please contact us and someone will be more than happy to help.
There is no one like God. Yet, a common misconception about the faith of New Covenant believers is that we teach “belief in three gods.” For many, this summarizes the issue of the “Trinity.” Clear teachings in the New Covenant prove otherwise:
And Yeshua answered him and said, “The first of all the commandments is: Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord” (Mark 12:29; 1 Corinthians 8:4; James 2:19). Read more…
The Real Issue
It all depends on who Yeshua* is! The New Covenant presents Yeshua as the Jewish Messiah (John 1:41, 45, 49, etc.). If He’s not the Jewish Messiah, then no one should believe in Him, because His credentials as Savior of the World are based on His credentials as the Messiah of Israel. If He is the true Messiah, then it is kosher that I as a Jewish person believe in Him. And I would be a Jew in good standing with God, even if no one else agreed. Read more..
Sometimes humor can best illustrate how a Biblical idea is misunderstood. An Irish
Catholic tells his Jewish friend Saul that his son Patrick had just been made a priest. “So what’s the big deal about that, John?” Saul asked. “It’s a very big deal, Saul. As a priest, he can one day become a bishop!” John responded. “So what’s the big deal about that?” “Saul, as a bishop, Patty can one day become a cardinal. Imagine, my son, the Cardinal!” John was getting excited now. Read more…
Some say that the Virgin Birth means Yeshua* cannot be the Messiah. You see, one of the necessary credentials of the true Messiah of Israel is that He be from the line of King David (Isaiah 7:13-14; 9:6/7; Jeremiah 23:5-6). Since Yeshua did not have an earthly father, and it would be this lineage which goes back to David, it is thought that Yeshua could not be of the line of David. In other words, if He was born of a virgin, doesn’t this disqualify him from being “the son of David”? Read more…
The apocryphal story is told of U.S. President Ronald Reagan showing Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin his phone service in Washington. “This red one is the hotline to Moscow, this ‘blackbox’ is for nuclear war;” then with a flourish Reagan said, “but this gold phone is a direct line right to the Pope himself!” Later in Jerusalem, Begin shows Reagan his communication devices. Read more…
To some it appears that followers of Yeshua are in denial of the painful truth by believing in “the Second Coming.” “Why would it be necessary for Messiah to come twice,” the doubtful ask. “Didn’t He get it right the first time? And, if he is the Jewish Messiah, as you claim, where in the Jewish Scriptures does it say anything about two comings of the Messiah?” Read more…
Upon seeing the name “Bialystok,” I cried. Perhaps part of it was from the previous two hours I had experienced at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. My mother and her immediate family, the Hirshbeins, moved to the U.S. from Bialystok, Poland before Hitler’s invasion. Those who escaped survived; the rest of the family perished as the Nazis eradicated the Jewish community of Bialystok. Read more…
Because Jewish history is filled with persecution by many so-called Christians, it is easy to presume that the New Testament is guilty until proven innocent. “Isn’t the New Testament anti-Semitic? Doesn’t it teach Christians to hate Jews? What about Christian anti-Semitism and the Holocaust?” On the surface, these may appear to be valid questions, but to some, the facts may be quite surprising. Read more…
The story goes something like this: A person considering whether Yeshua (this is the Hebrew way of saying Jesus) is the Messiah, asks his Rabbi, “Could it be that Messiah has come and that Yeshua is His name?” The Rabbi walks over to the window, looks out, shakes his head and with a sigh exclaims: “He can’t be the true Messiah. There’s still no peace. We know that when Messiah comes there will be peace everywhere.” Is it true that Messiah is to bring peace? And if Yeshua is the Messiah, then… …where’s the peace? Read more…
The Premise of the Law
There is a common misconception about why the Law was given, that Jewish people merit righteousness before God by keeping it. In other words, “we Jews don’t need salvation through your Messiah because we are made holy by keeping the Law.” This is close, as the saying goes, but no cigar.
Yes, the Jewish people have been chosen for a divine purpose. However, the Law was given to reveal God’s holiness, not ours. It was given to demonstrate His love, not our worthiness to receive love. Read more…
Many modern educated people tend to object to the idea of sin and sacrifice: “I don’t need a sacrifice! I can just repent. I’m basically a good person. I’m good enough. Besides, sin isn’t all that important anyway.” In contrast, people concerned with these issues (like followers of Messiah Yeshua) may seem to be either neurotically obsessed for emphasizing sin, naively barbaric for extolling sacrifice—or both! Read more…
When reading the Scriptures, one discovers that they do not attempt to prove God exists. Rather, God is presented as a reality. Just as one never has to prove the reality of parents to a child – the child’s own existence proves there must also be biological parents – so also, one need not prove the reality of the Creator to the creature.
Likewise, the Scriptures do not attempt to prove that Hell exists. Read more…
Many find it rather strange that the Jewish Messiah could have come, and comparatively so few Jews believe it.
Often, the question sounds like this: “With all the scholars and rabbis searching to discover the Messiah, how is it that you’re the only genius to figure this out?”
The number of Jewish people today who believe in Yeshua is somewhere between 200,000 to over a million, a number including both scholars and laymen.
However, this number, while significant, is still nowhere near the majority of Jewish
people. Some may believe that the truth is determined by a majority vote. While this
plays a role in the politics of men, it has nothing to do with the truth of God. Read more…
The God of Israel desires to provide people with His rest and peace through an eternal relationship with Himself. The following five principles, taken from the Prophet Isaiah,
help us to recognize that how we can have that relationship. Just as believers have
often uses a series of verses from Romans called the “Romans Road,” we can call
this the “Isaiah Avenue.” Read more…
The Controversy
Of all the miracles the Bible attributes to God, it seems the virgin birth of Messiah arouses the most controversy. But the same Bible that reveals God declares the virgin birth to be a historical fact. Some question whether it can be considered a scientific fact since it can not be observed nor repeated. But then what miracle can be? The virgin birth of Messiah is simply another unique and miraculous work of God! Read more…
Visit our bookstore to see “The Messianic Answer Book,” where these questions are taken from. Also included in the book are the stories of Jewish people from many different walks of life who have found new life in the Jewish Messiah.