After coming to faith in Yeshua on January 10, 1972, God gave Sam Nadler a great burden to share Messiah with other Jewish people. Sam was soon with Jews for Jesus, traveling around the country doing outreach with an evangelistic music group called the “Liberated Wailing Wall.” In 1975, he and his wife, Miriam, established the New York City branch of Jews for Jesus. God gave Sam Nadler a great burden to share Messiah with Jewish people, focusing on planting Messianic congregations where Jewish believers are discipled in light of their Jewish identity. Sam and Miriam have been leaders for Jews for Jesus, Chosen People Ministries, and now for Word of Messiah Ministries.
In light of this, Sam and Miriam began to focus on planting Messianic congregations, places where Jewish believers are discipled in light of their Jewish identity, proclaiming God’s faithfulness to the Jewish people and to all people in Yeshua. Later, as US Northeast Regional Director and then President of Chosen People Ministries, Sam began to implement this model of missions, focusing on outreach through Messianic congregation planting worldwide.
Through this season of ministry, he traveled throughout Israel, Germany, South America, Canada, and the United States planting Messianic congregations and was privileged to witness revival among Jewish people in the former Soviet Union. In 1996, Sam and Miriam established Word of Messiah Ministries in order to train and support Messianic leaders and their wives in their vital work around the world, as well as equip the Body of Messiah in Jewish ministry.

Sam Nadler
Sam Nadler is founder and president of Word of Messiah Ministries. In his fifty years of Messianic ministry, Sam has focused on raising leaders who plant Messianic congregations and make disciples.
Sam mentors Messianic leaders around the world and is recognized as a congregation planter, teacher, and leaders’ coach. Sam has conducted numerous Messianic congregation planting and leadership conferences throughout North and South America, Israel, and Europe.
To equip the Messianic community and the greater Body of Messiah in their calling to make Messianic disciples, Sam has written multiple books on Messianic congregation planting, discipleship, outreach, and the Feasts of Israel.

Miriam Nadler
Miriam Nadler, as co-founder of Word of Messiah, serves as head of Women’s Ministries. Miriam has been in active ministry for fifty years, discipling and teaching women from a Messianic framework.
As a teacher, she has travelled throughout the US, Israel, and Europe, sharing with women the message that true fulfillment is found through honoring God with their lives. Miriam has written several books which are used in women’s discipleship programs and Bible studies around the world.
She also serves as speaker at women’s conferences, retreats, and Bible studies. As a gifted songwriter and worship leader, Miriam enriches her teaching of the Word with music and singing.
Here’s how your donation to the ministry helps bring Yeshua to the Jewish people:

Every week we train and mentor Messianic Leaders in Israel and all over the US in their specific process of congregational planting or development.

Every weekend we speak in churches and gatherings to equip the body of Believers so that they can reach the lost sheep of the House of Israel in their community.

Every month we produce & distribute evangelism & discipleship resources to Messianic leaders in their work as they reach out to the Jewish people and others around them.