Our Ministry to Women
Word of Messiah Women’s Ministries, led by Miriam Nadler, is ministering to women of all ages from various walks of life. As we present God’s Word from a Jewish frame of reference at women’s retreats, Bible studies, and seminars, we desire to equip each of the women we encounter to honor God with their lives through discipleship in God’s Word.
Depending on the size of your group and needs of your community, we can customize our teaching to suit your event. Each of our message topics can be modified, whether you need a speaker for one message, a day seminar, or weekend retreat. Miriam’s books are also an excellent resource designed to be used in group Bible studies and one on one discipleship.

Messiah in the Feasts of Israel
Each of the Feasts of Israel, from Passover to the Feast of Tabernacles, was ordained by God to point to Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. Miriam is available to lead a presentation on any of the feasts of Israel at your women’s group or special event. Especially popular are her “Messiah in the Passover” demonstrations and Passover banquets. She can gear each presentation to various groups as well. She also incorporates special music into her messages upon request. For more information on each of the individual Feasts of Israel, see our message Topics” page.

Honoring God with My Life
Do you want to live a life of true satisfaction and reward? In this study of Titus 2:3-5, based on Miriam’s book, “Honoring God with My Life,” you will discover how to live a life according to God’s calling and His design. Whether you are younger or older, you can fulfill your divine purpose and calling as a woman, wife, mother, and friend. These messages are meant not only to help you to grow and mature in the godly qualities exhibited in Titus 2:3-5, but also to equip you to mentor and disciple other women.

The Key to Glorifying God
How can we be pleasing to God in our worship? This study of Psalm 95 teaches various aspects of how God desires us to approach Him in worship and listen to His voice. ‘Come let us sing for joy to the Lord, let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.”

Growing Deeper in God’s Shalom
What does it mean to have the face of God shine on your life; to experience his protection and grace; to have the gift of His shalom (peace) day by day? Discover the answers to these questions in an in-depth study of the Aaronic Blessing, found in Numbers 6:24-26.

Abiding in Messiah
Life is not easy at times, and struggles can overtake us. Discover how to live joyously and victoriously regardless of the circumstances. In this series of messages based on “Abiding in Messiah,” you will learn what matters most to God and discover how to live a life of significance through abiding in Yeshua (Jesus’ name in Hebrew) the Messiah. Beginning with a look at Israel as the vineyard of the Lord and learning of the tender care He provides for her, you will also gain deeper understanding of your relationship with the Savior.

God’s Genealogy of Grace
How did five women, who by the world’s standards were outcasts, end up being recorded for eternity in the royal line of the King of Kings? Learn how God redeemed each woman in Yeshua’s genealogy, and how He gave them the desires of their hearts. This insightful message series is based on Matthew 1:1-17.

Eternally Desired
The Scriptures are filled with metaphors and symbols which God uses to communicate His eternal truth. The symbol of the bride of Messiah and the wedding ceremony is woven throughout the fabric of the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Covenant. These messages from Miriam’s book, “Eternally Desired,” will explore the customs of the ancient Jewish wedding, and parallel them with Scripture. Since a wedding is one of the most joyful events in life, it serves as a perfect way to understand the joy, provision, and security of God’s love for those who are in Messiah. As His bride, each one of us is eternally desired by Him. Your Groom, Yeshua, has chosen you to be His own special treasure.

Women of the Bible
Throughout His ministry on earth, Yeshua reached out to women with tender, life-changing care. These character studies focus on women in the book of Luke who were touched by Yeshua’s ministry, and consider the different Names of God and how they relate to women. Discover how the Messiah revealed Himself to women, bringing them dignity and healing through His love.