Behold, He who keeps Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
(Psalm 121:4)

Passover Seder 2025

Have you ever wondered how the story of Passover connects to Yeshua as our Passover Lamb? Join us for a meaningful celebration where we’ll learn the profound truths of our Messiah together.

Registration is now open for our Passover Seder on April 13th. It will be held at the Hilton Charlotte Airport Hotel at 2800 Coliseum Centre Dr. Charlotte, NC 28217.

Adults tickets are $40 each. There will be a separate Seder for Children ages 5-12  and tickets are $20 each.

Seats are limited and are on a first-come-first-served basis.

This is an outreach event, so please pray about who you can invite!

We train Messianic Leaders to plant and develop congregations
in Jewish communities worldwide.

Help bring Yeshua (Jesus) to the Jewish people in a way that will last for generations.

For I am not ashamed of the Good News, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who [believes]—to the Jew first and [equally] to the [Gentile] (TLV). Romans 1:16



The Need is Urgent

Millions of Jewish people around the world have no idea that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Jewish Messiah.

They need to hear the Good News, and the most effective and lasting way to share this Good News generationally is through a healthy Messianic congregation in their community.

Will you help bring the Good News to generations of Jewish people throughout the world?

The problem is,there are no seminaries or schools that train leaders how to plant and develop Messianic congregations.

We’re here to help. Without step-by-step training on how to properly and successfully plant and develop a congregation, leaders are left with the overwhelming task of figuring it out.

The truth is, Messianic Leaders are ordinary people of various ages and stages of life who have accepted the extraordinary call to bring Yeshua (Jesus) to the Jewish people.

They shouldn’t have to figure this out on their own!

We’ve planted and helped develop Messianic Congregations for over 40 years, and we’re here to guide them.

We know how much work goes into growing a Messianic congregation. We’ve planted and developed hundreds of Messianic congregations in the United States and abroad, so we know the various issues that arise.

We train leaders to quickly troubleshoot and solve these problems and help them avoid future problems with clear planning and implementation. With this kind of training, they can grow their congregation to be a stable, impacting testimony of Yeshua in their community.

Word of Messiah Ministries is the only place that trains leaders how to plant, develop, and reproduce Messianic congregations.

For over 40 years we have committed to help Messianic leaders in this vital ministry.

The reason? A healthy Messianic congregation is proven to be the most effective long-term witness of Yeshua to the Jewish people and to the rest of the world. It is a place where believing families can raise their children to know and come to believe in Yeshua as their Messiah.

Here’s what Messianic leaders are saying :

"The principle of ‘When you stop appreciating your spouse, you have already stopped appreciating God’ gave me pause."

- Married woman

"During the conference, we reviewed the discussion questions and realized that we had not implemented some of our commitments to make changes in our marriage. I am pleased to share that since attending the conference again, we have been keeping those commitments daily. "

-M & E, 2nd time attenders

"Given the different leadership roles and congregational dynamics of our group, Sam did an excellent job objectively presenting material that was relevant to us all, for present and future, individual and congregational development.  Sam masterfully addressed leadership issues in an unassuming and inoffensive way, which was unique and sensitive to different individuals and congregations."

-Ron Leef, Elder at Shoresh David Messianic Synagogue
Tampa, FL

Here’s how your donation to the ministry helps bring Yeshua to the Jewish people:

Every week we train and mentor Messianic Leaders in Israel and all over the US in their specific process of congregational planting or development.
Every weekend we speak in churches and gatherings to equip the body of Believers so that they can reach the lost sheep of the House of Israel in their community.
Every month we produce & distribute evangelism & discipleship resources to Messianic leaders in their work as they reach out to the Jewish people and others around them.
Every quarter in our conferences we coach and strengthen both the leadership and the members of Messianic congregations worldwide.

Help Messianic Leaders be effective generational disciple-makers for Yeshua (Jesus).

Thriving congregations don’t just make an impact in their community; they seek to expand into new territories to expand the reach of the Good News into even more Jewish communities.

In a Messianic congregation, long-term discipleship happens and generations of Jewish people proclaim that Yeshua is their Messiah.

Would you consider joining us in this vital ministry?

Thank you for helping bring Yeshua (Jesus) to the Jewish people.