Session 1
Though we may take it for granted, most congregation members and none of the visitors may know why Messianic congregations are necessary from a New Covenant perspective. This session will help develop commitment to the Messianic vision.
Session 2
Qualities of a Planter
The planter and leader need several qualities to ensure a successful congregation planting. Knowing these and prioritizing them can be the difference between oy and joy!
Session 3
Vision & Values
“Without vision, the people are in disarray” (Pro 29:18). Having and communicating the right vision is the difference between unity of community and disarray! Values refer to what you value and what you prioritize. The right priorities determine using your resources to effectively plant.
Session 4
Outreach, part 1
This session will help you learn to practice and teach others how to share their faith “to the Jew first…” Outreach is essential for a healthy group to not become ingrown but to emphasize “each one reach one.”Click here to download two documents Sam refers to. Additional free downloads are available at
Session 5
Outreach, part 2
This session will help you learn to practice and teach others how to share their faith “to the Jew first…” Outreach is essential for a healthy group to not become ingrown but to emphasize “each one reach one.”
Session 6
You get the members that you disciple. Don’t assume that they are rooted and grounded in the faith; all need discipleship. Word of Messiah has discipleship materials and a program that any congregation can apply. Discipleship is the heartbeat of Messiah’s body!
Session 7
Core Group & Consecration
Initial discipleship gets them on the same page with the planter, and Core Group development gets them on the same page with each other: this is community. Consecration is their calling as a holy community with dedicated leadership.
Session 8
Measuring Health
A toolbox full of biblical yardsticks will help you determine how your congregation is growing in spiritual health and impact. Leadership must know how to evaluate “the condition of the flock” (Pro 27:23).
Session 9
The Ministry of Managing is responsible for properly planning how we get from here to there with the resources we have. Simple planning tools will help implement the values into effective ministry.
Session 10
Takeaways and Wrap-up
We always conclude our conferences by asking participants what their big takeaway was from all of Sam’s teaching. After you’ve watched the conference, we would love to receive your takeaways. Email us at with the subject line “My Boot Camp Takeaway.”
Who would benefit from this course?
- Potential congregation leaders who want to explore what is involved in planting a congregation from scratch
- Leaders of very young congregations who realize they may have skipped some foundational steps in planning
- Members of either group’s core team—so all can get on the same page theologically and strategically
What is the structure of the seminar?
- Each session is approximately 1 hour per video.
- After about 50 minutes of teaching, Sam opens it up to Q&A time
- Note: the topics do not move chronologically through the book, but on Sam’s visual presentation, he lists the page numbers which correspond to the book
- Each session is approximately 1 hour per video.
Does each individual need a textbook?
- Yes! Spouses may even want their own copy, but at the least, each couple should have one.
- A PDF version of the book is available, but the majority of those attending opt for the paper book so they can take notes in it.
- This book will be a long-term resource for you!
- The book also contains information that Sam covers in the Developing Healthy Messianic Congregations conference, which is designed for leaders of established congregations.
- Yes! Spouses may even want their own copy, but at the least, each couple should have one.
Is it ok to pass the videos along to others who would benefit?
- No. Please do not. Word of Messiah is a faith-based ministry. Your purchase of this video series and the textbook help us continue to do the work God has called us to do.
- Please refer anyone else interested to our website:
- Contact us at if you would prefer to have a live Zoom conference or to inquire about having Sam do an in-person Boot Camp conference.
Anything else I should know?
- Diligent builders use a plumb bob throughout the construction process to ensure their project is, and remains true to form.
- After you’ve attended this course online—preferably with your leadership team if you have one, you may want to consider attending the Developing Health Messianic Congregations (DHMC) conference, too!
- Go to or contact us to inquire about our next DHMC. (You might even help us determine the date of our next conference!)
- Diligent builders use a plumb bob throughout the construction process to ensure their project is, and remains true to form.
Can I ask questions or give feedback?
- Absolutely! We welcome your communication!
- Contact us at On the subject line, write “Boot Camp Question” or “Boot Camp Feedback.”
- You can also connect with us via social media
- Absolutely! We welcome your communication!
“Though I have been to several Planters Conferences, it is amazing how much I learned by attending again. Whether it is being reminded of what a Healthy Messianic Congregation should look like, or the characteristics of a planter and elder, or just taking a litmus test of how healthy your congregation and leadership are, the first sitting is good. Still, the lessons took root for me on the second and third sitting.” Devin Baucom, congregation planter
Would you love to see a Messianic congregation in your area?
You wonder what is involved in planting a congregation. You’re asking if you even have what it takes.
Where do you begin before you begin?
In this Boot Camp, Sam Nadler walks potential planters through the biblical foundations—the DNA—that undergird a firmly established congregation. You’ll learn why evangelism and discipleship are “primary matters” and how to implement them.
If Sam doesn’t address all of your concerns during each of the ten sessions, and you don’t hear someone else ask during hourly Q&A, Word of Messiah is happy to have you contact us (at, and we’ll help resolve your questions.
The Developing Healthy Messianic Congregations textbook contains more information than Sam covers in the conference. It has numerous appendices with sample documents (such as a constitution with covenant, by-laws, and articles of faith.) The book will remain an invaluable resource as you continue to develop as a leader and a congregation.