Interviews, Webinars, and Other Presentations

What is Israel’s significance for Christians today? Braxton hosts an insightful conversation with Sam Nadler from Word of Messiah Ministries, discussing the ongoing conflict in Israel, the importance of supporting God’s chosen people, and how Christians worldwide can make a meaningful impact. Learn about the mission to plant Messianic congregations, the role of believers in end-time events, and practical steps you can take to support Israel and spread the Gospel. Don’t miss this compelling and informative episode!

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Ruben has Sam Nadler give his testimony of coming to faith and the role of Isaiah 53 in helping him eventually confess that “You know who” (Yeshua/Jesus) is the promised Jewish Messiah! Sam’s early questions and objections are common to many Jewish people when presented with the Good News of Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). In his book The Messianic Answer Book, Sam addresses those questions. (This book and others are available at For more on Isaiah 53, visit Word of Messiah’s website: Resources–Courses–Isaiah 53 (Scroll down for the Isaiah 53 course.)

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“So what do we DO with the Law?” This is a question many believers ask. Some say, “That’s OLD Covenant. We’re living in the New Covenant, so we’re not bound to it.” What matters is what the Lord Himself has to say about it! Yeshua/Jesus the Messiah said, “For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished” (Matthew 5:18.) Join author, teacher, and president of Word of Messiah Ministries, Dr. Sam Nadler, and Julie Scott, Conference Coordinator for Word of Messiah, in a conversation about the purpose and content of The Messianic Ten Commandments: A Study in the Relationship Between Law and Grace.

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Sam Nadler of Word of Messiah Ministries was interviewed by Doug McCary of SWAT Radio on October 12, just five days after the attack on Israel (Oct. 7, 2023). This recording has been used with their permission. It is an audio file, but informational slides are also inserted throughout the recording. Many resources were mentioned and are available at We appreciate your purchases through our website as it supports our ministry and outreach “To the Jew first, and equally to the Gentile.” (Romans 1:16.) Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem; may they prosper who love you. Psalm 122:6

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Sam Nadler, president of Word of Messiah Ministries, is interviewed by Julie Scott, Conference Coordinator for Word of Messiah. They discuss the content of his newest book, Messiah’s Seven Congregations: A Devotional Commentary on Revelation Chapters 1-3.

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Dr. Phil Gigliotti asks Sam to briefly give his journey to faith in Messiah, and they discuss his most recent book, Messiah’s Seven Congregations – A Devotional Commentary on Revelation 1-3. The book is available at the Word of Messiah bookstore.

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Stephanie Pavlantos Interviews Sam Nadler on her Podcast Oct. 2022

Stephanie asks Sam about the mission and outreach of Word of Messiah Ministries both to the Jewish community and to the Body of Messiah in the Church. He gives a brief history of some unfortunate Bible interpretations, the resulting “anti-Jewish posture” that has engendered, and the negative effects we see today. Sam reminds us that Paul’s calling, and that of all believers, is “to the Jew first, and also to the Gentiles.” Paul presents believing Gentiles as “the secret weapon” in sharing God’s faithfulness to the Jewish Community. They discuss the concept of “acculturation vs. discipleship” and other thought-provoking topics.

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Sam & Miriam Nadler were invited as guests to Darryl Weinberg’s program, “Super Heroes for the Messianic Lifestyle,” which aired in July 2022. In this delightful unscripted interview, you’ll learn how Sam and Miriam met and about their life-long journey of serving their Messiah. Sam also talks about his latest book, Messiah in the End Times: a Messianic Eschatology.

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Sam Nadler was a guest of the Besorah Institute for this webinar based on his book, Messiah in the End Times: A Messianic Eschatology. His topic is “The Marriage of the Lamb” in the book of Revelation. Check around the website for more resources, including books and conferences, or to arrange speaking engagements.

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